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Hieronder vind je links naar enkele bevriende websites

Sites rond universeel soefisme in Vlaanderen




* Inayati Soefi Kring

Sites rond universeel soefisme in Wallonië en Brussel

*Danses de la Paix Universelle Belgique 


Sites rond universeel soefisme in Nederland & Vlaanderen




* soefi stichting 1923

* Soefi contact

enkele video's ​ (Engels en Nederlands)


 Hazrat Inayat Khan

* The Life and Legacy of Hazrat Inayat Khan

* The Mysticism of Sound

* Shakuntala

Pir Vilayat

* Conversation with Pir Vilayat on Sufism

* Lecture on Love

* Spirituality in life

Pir Zia

* Interview with Pir Zia on Sufism

* Nature meditations  - Roses  

* Nature meditations - The Power of silence

Murshid Johannes Witteveen

* Interview over Universeel Soefisme

* Lezing: Spiritueel worden is niets worden

* Boeddhisme en Zen

Murshid Hidayat Khan

* Interview on Sufism

* Interview with HIdayat

* Meditation on the 5 senses

Site sponsored by Heart and Wings

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